Fasttranslator offers efficient, quality translations to and from Romanian. We translate texts in all subject areas, and all assignments are carried out by qualified native translators.
Rumensk oversettelseRomanian translation Do you need help with your translation to or from Romanian? Fasttranslator works exclusively with native Romanian translators. Our Romanian translators have extensive experience in translating marketing texts, user manuals, press releases, texts on art, culture, sports and science. Let us convince you! |
The Romanian languageRomanian, or variations of Romanian, is the official language of Romania, Moldova and Serbia. The language belongs to the Romance language group of the Indo-European language family and is written in the Latin alphabet. Romanian is divided into four main dialects: Dacorumen, the basis of the modern written language; Aromanian, Aromunian or Macedorumenian; Meglenorumenian or Meglenitic; Istrorumenian or Istrian. In total, 24 million people in the world speak Romanian. Of these, the majority live in Romania and the remaining 2.6 million in Moldova. The invasion of the Balkans by Slavs in the 5th and 6th centuries led to the fragmentation of the language, which has been further reinforced by the influence of neighbouring languages. The oldest text in Romanian dates back to 1521. Specialist translatorsFasttranslator customises every assignment according to your needs. In our freelancer database, we have Romanian expertise in areas such as law, technology, medicine and finance. In the field of technology, for example, we work with Romanian translators with experience from industry. They translate complex descriptions of plant and machinery, among other things. |