United Kingdom

Medical/Life Sciences Translations

We work regularly with translators with expertise in the different areas of medical science. Our strategic choice for experts ensures consistently high quality with an unprecedentedly low margin of error. Our medical translations successfully pass any quality test.

We can also provide verification translations upon request (back translations to test the original translation). We can provide a certificate (sworn translation) or a statement signed by the translator for medical translation work.

Our medical translations are generally targeted toward a specialised, professional audience. However, we also translate these documents for a broader base of customers. Our medical translation specialists have extensive experience in translating the following documents and more:

  • Patient information leaflets
  • Product descriptions
  • Diagnostic documentation
  • Healthcare product information materials
  • Medical software
  • Medical tools
  • Brochures

English is the most common language in this subject area. However, other languages, like Spanish, Chinese, and French, are also common. If the text is intended for a broad base of the population, you need a translation agency that is capable of translating it quickly and reliably into a number of languages. We have years of experience in multi-language medical translation projects.

Medical translators who work for us are familiar with medical terminology and work with specific translation tools that guarantee consistent terminology usage.

Our medical team includes linguists specialised in the following areas: cardiology, surgery, dermatology, nutrition, embryology, endoscopy, physical therapy, gynaecology, oral surgery and orthodontics, clinical neurophysiology, neurosurgery, neurology, oncology, optometry, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, psychiatry, radiology, urology and obstetrics.

Our customers in this sector include pharmaceutical companies, government organisations, and healthcare facilities. It just takes a few minutes to request a no-obligation quote for the translation of your medical text or documents.

Our medical translation expertise includes:

  • Dental records
  • Medical reports
  • Research papers
  • Health insurance claims
  • Surgical records
  • Medical transcriptions
  • Health care invoices
  • Consent forms
  • Patient instructions
  • Drug information leaflets
  • and all other medical and health care information and printed materials

Our expertise as a leading translation agency: Medical, healthcare, pharmaceuticals

Our high-end services offer the best-quality standards for our medical, health care and pharmaceutical translations. Our first-class human translators achieve complete accuracy of translated content. The time-saving and project-management processes that we implement ensure that you enjoy increased efficiency and top-quality work.

Our translators deliver text in the proper tone of voice. These world-class translators have a deep understanding of the medical, health care and pharmaceuticals sectors, and so provide compliant technical content. More regulations covering information, labelling and production processes require high-accuracy translation; inaccuracy can cost lives.

Specific terminology might challenge some of the world’s more generalist translators – but our team translates specifically for these sectors. With accurate translations from our experienced, highly educated and professional translators, you’ll steer clear of any regulatory or patient safety risks.

We will ensure that a translator with proper domain knowledge will translate your text. Our standard translation cycle includes an ISO-certified quality assurance process, where we review the translation for accuracy and overall flow. Your assigned translators are familiar with your requirements, tone of voice and terminology.

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What our customers say

Helle Mogensen
DLA Agro A.m.b.A.
Danish Agro
For a few years now, we have used Fasttranslator for various tasks within our industry, which is grain/feed - in other words agriculture. These have primarily been translations into English + Swedish. The tasks have, among other things, been translation of annual report, job advertisements, articles and much more. Fasttranslator fully lives up to their name - fast response to inquiries and fast delivery of tasks. All in all, an impeccable collaboration.

Case Study: Clinical Research Translations

Fasttranslator has a large number of highly specialised translators with extensive medical translation experience in a variety of medical fields.

For example, one of our long-term medical translation projects involves the services we offer to facilitate the cooperation between Duke Clinical Research, USA, and Clinical Research Services, Germany.

These are translations for clinical trials for approval and registration of drugs that involve a great number of subjects. Within the framework of these trials, physicians working at hospitals and medical research facilities write medical reports that must be translated completely and accurately due to drugs pending market approval. Our task is to translate these reports from the Czech, Polish, Slovenian, German, and Hungarian languages into English. These translations must have an electronic certificate signed by the translator and be accurate because they are part of the submission for market approval.

At the same time, they cannot be delayed. Each day it’s late means a delay in the launch of a new drug, which is associated with very high costs. This is why our project managers, who rely on a tight-knit team of professional translators, ensure the translation lead times are short.

In addition to these extensive long-term medical projects, we translate, for example, drug package inserts or instructions for the use of medical devices. We provide specialised technical translators for many languages, such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, and the Scandinavian languages.

We have experience in the translation of the following documents and more:

  • Leaflets
  • Consent forms
  • Questionnaires
  • Catheter reports
  • Patient information
  • Presentations
  • Medical equipment software
  • Death certificates
  • Study reports
  • Syllabi
  • Referrals

Marketing for Medical Service Providers

Have you ever considered getting your medical office’s marketing materials translated into Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, or other languages? Now is an exciting time to consider this method for improving existing client relationships, attracting new patients, and creating a positive reputation within non-English-speaking communities. Our accurate translations will earn you a solid reputation as you test the waters and engage these new patients for the first time.

Many underserved communities often rely on referrals from family members or close friends when choosing a medical professional. Gain a marketing edge by accessing our language translation specialists, who can communicate medical information accurately in writing. Our language specialists understand complex medical terminology, which differentiates our service.

Our medical translation services are appropriate for online advertising, client invoicing, service descriptions, blogs and other critical communications. We offer specialised translation services for existing medical marketing material. In addition, if your dental office, radiology lab or medical clinic requires a specific kind of document, you can just contact us with an inquiry.

Our services are ideal for improving your outreach to communities that do not use English as a primary language. We can customise these services to meet the needs of the residents within your immediate service area. This is an excellent strategy for improving your clinic’s revenues, broadening your outreach and building trust within your local area.

Professional Translations in the Field of Bioinformatics

If you work in the field of bioinformatics, you absolutely cannot risk inaccurate translations of your documents or software. You need more than someone who specialises in your target language; you need someone who understands the material well.

Since expertise in both biology and technical knowledge are essential in bioinformatics, we place a special value on those skills when selecting our translators. Thus, we ensure that every translation we provide is of the quality you expect and require.

Our Translators are Experienced in Bioinformatics

How can we have translators who are knowledgeable in bioinformatics? We have a large network of translators available in nearly every field. Many of them hold degrees in your field or even work in your field and translate on the side. They have knowledge of the terminology and how to make it understandable to readers in the target language.

These translators are also native speakers living and working in their home country, where your targeted readers reside. Our project managers ensure they find the best translator for your project, and we take advantage of time zone differences to provide your translation fast.

E-Health Translations for Modern Medicine

E-Health stands for the use of electronic media in healthcare. The term is used for electronic diagnostic systems and telemedicine, as well as electronic patient cards, medical charts, and other virtual patient information. Generally, e-health documents are divided into the following categories:

  • Information for physicians and patients
  • Communication between physicians and patients without the possibility of a direct response
  • Interaction between parties with the option of immediate response (e.g. home monitoring)
  • Transaction-specific data exchange, for example, using the patient card
  • Integration – recording and consolidation of all patient data

We are Your Medical Translation Partner

Our most experienced medical translators translate this specialised information quickly and accurately. In addition to the necessary language skills, they also have appropriate medical knowledge. This is because we frequently work with specialists in medical fields who translate as their second job.

In fact, we provide medical translations on a daily basis, regardless of the type of medical document.

We can translate any document in the field of microbiology, from technical equipment IFUs to specialised software localisation and highly technical scientific papers. If you want the best translators to work on your texts, you are in the right hands.
We will search our database of 4,200 translators to find the professional(s) best suited for your project.
Our project managers will also oversee your project with Terminology Management to ensure consistency throughout your translations. This process sometimes allows us to offer you discounts when there are repetitions within your documents.

Native Speakers with Microbiology Knowledge

Our network has translators with more than just language expertise. Besides being native speakers of your target language, they have expertise in at least one subject area. For this reason, we have translators available with education and professional experience in the field of microbiology. Their training could include any of the following disciplines, as needed:

  • Bacteriology
  • Virology
  • Mycology
  • Protozoology

Scientific Psychiatry Translations

Some translation projects are challenging even for experienced translators. These are mainly large-scale projects with subject-specific content and short delivery time. We often receive such orders in scientific fields. In the field of scientific psychiatry, the documents for translation are mostly reports, curricula, statistical information, research papers, and diagnoses.

Only highly trained, native translators who specialise in the relevant discipline can provide a high-quality, professional translation of such documents. These translators can grasp the content and use the appropriate terminology in the target language.

To ensure your project is translated accurately and meets your standards, we work exclusively with qualified translators with psychiatric education.

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References and Clients

Below is an overview of some organisations for which we regularly provide translations.