Our agency only works with professional and qualified Macedonian translators. Our translations are not only competitively priced but of high quality. Our translators are native speakers, working in many different specialist fields, and they can meet practically any translation requirement, whether it is a book, contract, newspaper article, annual report, instructions, or daily correspondence with your partner in Macedonia. Professional Macedonian translatorsWe will gladly help you with your daily communication with your Macedonian employees, partners, and clients, as well as translate your business correspondence, lists of services, instructions, and contracts professionally. Our agency has a suitable translator available for every sort of translation from or into Macedonian. We use qualified translators with several years of experience to guarantee consistent high quality. |
MacedonianMacedonian is, of course, the official language of Macedonia. It is a South Slavic language that is closely related to Bulgarian. It is spoken not only in Macedonia but also in parts of Albania, Greece, and Bulgaria. A total of two million people speak the language. Macedonian is written in a form of the Cyrillic alphabet. |
The English-Macedonian translation agency
English and Macedonian are both Indo-European languages, but further than that, there is little that the languages have in common. Communication can, therefore, be very difficult if no one speaks the other language. Translation can be a solution, of course, and our agency would like to help you.
Our agency has been active in the translation industry for some years and has, in that time, built up a large network of translators. We make sure that your document is always translated by a native speaker, in this case, Macedonian. This means that the translator always knows how the text can best be conveyed in the target language. Furthermore, most of our translators specialise in a particular field, which is also to the advantage of the final text. Some translators only specialise in political texts, for example, while others mainly focus on culture. You only get a translator who has knowledge of and experience in the subject.
You can ask for a quotation simply and easily. You just have to attach the document that needs translating. And if you have any questions, you can always get in touch with one of our project managers. They will be happy to help you.
Bulgarian-Macedonian translation agency
The Bulgarian and Macedonian languages are closely related to each other. In Bulgaria, Macedonian is regarded as a dialect of Bulgarian rather than a language in its own right. The languages have a lot to do with each other. This is partly because Bulgaria and the Macedonia Republic border each other, but that is not the only reason why the languages come into contact with each other. There is also tourism, political contacts, and commercial collaboration. Although the languages are very similar, there are small differences which can lead to great misunderstandings. That is why it is still advisable to make use of translations. Our agency can help you with the excellent translation of documents from Bulgarian into Macedonian. Not only do our translators have the skills to help you, but they also have a great deal of experience translating all sorts of documents. Our agency has an extensive network which consists of some of the best translators in the world.
Our aim is to deliver translations of the highest calibre. This doesn’t just happen by itself, of course, so our translator requirements are particularly strict. One of these requirements is that almost all the translators with whom we work specialise in a particular field of expertise. This means that we only let a translator work on your document who specialises in the subject covered in the document’s materials.
We have, for instance, translators who practically only ever work on literary texts, but also translators who specialise in legal or medical documents. Whatever subject your document covers, there is always a translator available who specialises in the translation of documents in precisely that field. Furthermore, the translator is always a native speaker of the target language. Translations from Bulgarian into Macedonian are always done by a native speaker of Macedonian.
German and Macedonian are two completely different languages. Besides the fact that they are both Indo-European languages, there are no other similarities. This doesn’t mean that speakers of the two languages don’t regularly come across each other in daily life, however. The political contacts between German-speaking countries and Macedonia and trade between those countries means that German and Macedonian speakers often have to deal with each other. Tourism and the further unification of Europe also mean that speakers come into contact with each other. Translations are, of course, extremely useful when that happens. Our agency is ideally suited to act as your partner when it comes to translating your documents from German into Macedonian. Our agency is well known and only works with the best translators in the world. This is one of the reasons why we can always offer high-quality translations.
It’s not a coincidence that our translations are of such a high quality. Our agency always aims to produce a made-to-measure translation, which means that several factors have to be taken into account in order to achieve that. One of these factors is that we always work with translators who are native speakers of the target language. In the case of a translation from German into Macedonian, we allocate a native speaker of Macedonian to ensure the quality of the final document. Our translators also have specialisations so that we can make sure that the translator who works on your document has experience in the subject. We have translators who only work on culture and tourism, for instance, but we also have translators who specialise in product descriptions or commercial documents. Your translation is, therefore, tailor-made to ensure that it meets your needs.
Doing business in Macedonia
As a Balkan country which is a candidate for membership of the European Union, Macedonia is an interesting region for investment by entrepreneurs. When doing business abroad, however, you always have to be aware of different legislation and regulations and a business culture that may be quite different to what you are used to. Therefore, preparation is essential throughout the process. Our team has put together some tips to help you on your way in Macedonia.
The business world in Macedonia is quite formal, so it is important to know how to greet someone. In this case, it should be with a strong handshake, eye contact, and a greeting, which is dependent upon the time of day. If you know the exact title of the person in question, you will make an impression if you use it. Otherwise, the surname in combination with Mr, Mrs, or Ms is a good way of greeting someone. There is room for more informal contact, but you should leave it to your Macedonian host or hostess to take the initiative.
Business meetings often take a long time in Macedonia. Your potential business partners will be very thorough and will examine a proposal from every angle. Don’t expect them to make any decisions fast. That said, it will be appreciated if you are to the point and if you support your information with visual material. Furthermore, do not be too aggressive in your negotiations.
The official language in Macedonia is, perhaps unsurprisingly, Macedonian, although some people also speak Albanian, Turkish, or Serbian. Most Macedonian entrepreneurs have an excellent command of English, but official documents for things like permits are often only accepted or issued in Macedonia. Our translation agency will be happy to be of service with sworn translations, for instance, but we can also help you with the translation of a CV, business documents, or manuals, along with many other documents.