United Kingdom

Burmese translation agency

If you want to do business in another country, it is important to find out as much as you can about the place, but language is one of the most important factors involved. You will want to avoid negotiations going wrong because of a problem in communication. If you want to do business in Burma, you will not only have to know about the customs in the country, but you will also have to know about the official language: Burmese. While there are several regional languages recognised, Burmese is the only official language (in Burma or Myanmar itself, it is referred to as the Myanmar language). We can provide you with an excellent service for communicating in Burmese. We can translate all of your business documents out of Burmese and into English and vice versa. We work exclusively with translators who are native speakers of the target language, and all of our translators have years of experience, not only in the language but also in the field of expertise in which they translate. This means that you can always be assured of an accurate and appropriate translation of the highest quality and delivered in the shortest of times.

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Burmese, or the Myanmar language, is the official language in Burma. English is also used in higher education and government. More than 32 million people speak Burmese. As well as native speakers, many minority groups speak Burmese as a second language. Burmese is a member of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages spoken in East, Southeast, and South Asia. These languages are all closely related and are spoken in many countries in the region. Related languages could also be found in the region in ancient times.