If you’re looking for an agency that can translate your documents expertly and quickly, you’ve come to the right place. Thanks to our network of translators, we can provide translations of economic, legal, scientific, and medical documents. Papers such as diplomas, wills, or CVs can also be translated into or from Armenian. Eastern or Western ArmenianArmenian is divided into two dominant dialects. Western Armenian is the dialect that is spoken and written in Armenia and by Armenians living elsewhere in Europe and North America. Eastern Armenian is the dialect that is spoken in Iran and by a minority in Armenia itself. When requesting a quotation or placing an order for a translation, it’s important to indicate which is your target group. Service provision by recognised translatorsWe work with recognised translators, which means that you can have confidence that your documents will be well translated. We’re able to translate all your documents. We are happy to help both businesses and private individuals. |
Doing business in Armenia
Doing business abroad is always an exciting or tense undertaking, depending on how you look at it. What can you expect? It is often advisable to do some research beforehand to ensure that negotiations go well, particularly in a relatively unknown country like Armenia. Rules that apply to doing business in Armenia may not always be familiar to people from English-speaking countries. If you really want to do business in the country, this article contains some of our tips which may prove useful to you.
Most of Armenia is Christian and conservative, and you need to take account of this if you want to do business there. These values are expressed, among other ways, in the way people dress and in the way they behave towards each other. It is, therefore, very important that you make sure that you are formally dressed in almost all cases, even if it isn’t a business appointment. The people of Armenia attach a lot of value to correct attire. You also have to take into account religion in your use of language and how you drink. Such small details can potentially make the difference between a deal going ahead or failing. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a drink, however. A good many Armenians really like a good glass of cognac. When raising a glass, people say ‘kenats!’ which means, roughly translated, ‘survive!’
Armenians are generally very hospitable. Their religion encourages them to want to help people, and you will always be well received. This also applies to business people. Never reject an invitation and show them that you appreciate their hospitality with a gift or other expression of gratitude. If you invite your business partners to the Netherlands, you would do well to return their hospitality.
Most Armenians are quite introverted and won’t take the initiative. It is, therefore, important during business meetings that you are assertive and take the initiative. This will win you respect, which will, of course, help you to conclude matters successfully.
Armenian language
The official language in Armenia is Armenian, and it is spoken by practically everyone in the country. Many people also speak Russian and English, and French and German are also often spoken. Don’t be surprised if the business people you meet can speak all of these languages. You will, however, make an impression if you can present the documents needed for negotiations in Armenian, and of course, we can help you do that. Get in touch with us, and let us show you what we can do for you.