
Technical services translations

We are a leading provider of technical translations – from work instructions, technical service manuals, or instructions of use to technical audit reports. Our technical translators are exclusively native-speaking technology experts, so you can be sure that your documents are translated at the highest level.

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The price for a technical translation

We work with closely calculated and competitive prices. For a detailed listing, see the menu option Prices. When you select the target language for your document, the price for the translation into the respective language appears. Thanks to our solid base of translators and our knowledge of the market, we can offer you reasonable prices, which are often below the price level of other translation agencies.

Speed and quality

When you entrust us with your technical translation, you get the text back in your hands quickly. We take advantage of the different time zones in which our translators work, which often allows us to have your translation done while you sleep. Then, it’s in your in-box when you get up in the morning.

Translation of User Manuals, Handbooks, and Work Instructions

We specialize in the translation of manuals, handbooks, and work instructions. We work exclusively with native translators who live in the country of the target language and have technical training or expertise. You can rest assured that your translation will be of high quality, written in the appropriate target language.

We make sure that your operating instructions are easily understood and seamlessly applied in the target country. We have provided translations for a large number of industries, including:

  • Aviation and Aerospace;
  • Mechanization/Robots;
  • Automotive;
  • Material Science;
  • Chemistry;
  • Telecommunications;
  • Computer/Hardware;
  • Computer/Software Development;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Energy;
  • Medical Technology/Nuclear Technology;
  • Electronics;
  • Nuclear Physics;
  • Internet Technology;
  • Patent Systems;
  • Printing Processes;
  • Transportation and Logistics.

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Professional translation of CSV files – What needs to be considered?

CSV stands for comma-separated values or character-separatedvalues. As the name implies, the values here are separated by characters. There is no official standard for the use of this file format, but it is thoroughly explained in RFC 4180. CSV files are quite appropriate for translations, although there are certain things that still need to be taken into consideration.

Which system uses CSV?

As a rule, proprietary systems and applications use the CSV file format. Texts are frequently exported from databases, such as in content management systems, with the aid of a CSV format. Databases can use a wide range of formats for importing and exporting, while CSV is the simplest solution. For better control of the structure, an XML format is appropriate, which can be populated from a CSV data file.

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Character sets or code page

A character set, also called a code page, defines a mapping of numbers and characters. Unicode is the format most frequently used and UTF-8 is the coding most frequently used for Unicode characters. If UTF-8-coded CSV files are used, these can be translated into any language. This also works with other character sets, but you need to be aware that a CSV file contains no indication of the format in which it is coded. This can lead to problems.

If the file is in ANSI format with the Western European character set, for instance, and is to be translated into an Eastern European variant, you quickly realize that these have other characters for the same codes. The possible ways of translating in ANSI format are thus limited. For that reason, it is advisable to use Unicode, such as UTF-8 from the start.

Which data can be put into a CSV file?

Basically, anything that is text-based can be put into a CSV file. Our project managers already have experience in projects with HTML and XML in CSV files. Both work without a problem. However, we once had a case where standard tools were used to export a file in the CSV format. At first, everything looked fine, but then, we found out that the tool could not export any fields with more than 32,768 characters. Such difficulties are special cases, of course, and rarely occur. In this case, we were able to notify the client in time and thus prevent further problems.

If you need translations of CSV files, count on our IT specialist translators to deliver quickly and accurately. Contact us for a no-obligation quote.

PLC – programmable logic controllers translations

Complex texts, such as those from technical fields, should always be translated exclusively by experienced, native-speaking translators who also have the relevant technical expertise. This is especially true of PLC technology or PLC programming.

The translator needs to know the exact terminology in order to provide an accurate translation. He or she must be able to follow and comprehend the text and know how to make it understandable in the target language.

To ensure that your PLC or other technical texts are always translated precisely, we only choose translators with the relevant experience. With the large network of translators that we have at our disposal, this is an easy task for us. You can be sure that the translator chosen for your project will be well-versed in PLC programming.

Contact us, and let us convince you that we have the expertise you need. Send us the text you would like translated via email or via the request form for a no-obligation quote or direct-order.

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Case Study: Intelligent Use of Terminology in Pallet Robot Software Localization

Erwin Vroom interacts with technical translations on a daily basis. He is an experienced project manager who is responsible for all the projects from one of our clients in the pallet industry. The company makes robots that are used for loading and unloading pallets. These robots are controlled by special software.

Our task was to translate the terminology associated with these software controls. We received an Excel list with highly technical terms specific to the pallet industry. The client did not provide context for the terminology. We had to translate the terms from English into Dutch, Russian, Polish, and French.

The technical language was too challenging for other translation agencies

Just like any other technical field, the pallet industry also has its own terms that a layman doesn’t necessarily understand. After several attempts with other translation agencies, the client finally came to us. The company was looking for an agency that would be able to provide translations using the correct technical language.

We put together a team of experienced technical translators who created a translation memory (TM) for our client

Translation memories are reusable terminology databases that save time and money. They ensure consistent use of terminology throughout different translation projects. TM’s can be bilingual or multilingual. Once created, they can be reused and updated with every new translation project.

By creating and reusing terminology databases, we were able to assist our client in selling its machines on the German market. We also created TM’s for pallet industry terminology in languages of limited dispersion, such as Dutch.

Our project manager has many years of experience not only in the field of translation and project management, but also in the retail industry. This is where he had to deal with the automated loading of pallets on a daily basis. Thanks to his interest in technology and his educational background in microelectronics, he speaks the technical language and understands how pallet robots work. A full-time team of project managers helps him deal with requests for translations in the pallet industry sector.

Translating safety data sheets

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are a vital part of the chemistry industry. They regulate the process of handling dangerous chemicals for commercial or professional users on a uniform basis. When MSDS are to be translated into a different language, it can be a challenge for the average translator. In order for these documents to be precise, the translator must have extensive knowledge of chemistry.

This is why we work exclusively with native-speaking translators who have relevant knowledge in the field of chemistry in addition to their academic language training. They know the specific chemical terminology, can follow the content, and can accurately relay it in the target language. This ensures that you are complying with OSHA regulations, as well as global regulations and standards.

As an additional safety precaution, we have the text proofread by a second translator.

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Translations of safety data sheets are charged at our most common rate, which is between $ 0.08 and $ 0.18 per word, depending on the source and target languages. When translating more than one MSDS, or when updating old ones, we apply discounts for repetitions. Because we store previous translations into Translation Memory files, these discounts can be very high. You benefit from the fact that we’ve translated thousands of these documents before. This only applies when the documents are in an editable format like Word or PDF.

The translation of safety data sheets is subject to special guidelines for your own safety and that of your employees, so the translator must possess the relevant chemical and legal knowledge in addition to his/her training as a translator.

Compliant with the latest standards, yet fast

Our translators work for us from all over the world. We take advantage of the time differences, which often allows us to provide you with professional translations “overnight”.

Website translation and localization

Web page translation, or even web page localization, is a special translation service that must successfully clear different hurdles. For one, the texts must be adapted to the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the target country. This requires strong linguistic skills and an affinity for marketing texts on the part of the translator.

On the other hand, the web page should work successfully in a foreign market. To this end, factors such as user friendliness (usability), search engine optimization, and accessibility must be considered. Complex web pages that are based on a content management system (CMS) require extra preparation for the translation process so as to be more accessible to the translator.

Skillful Translation of Your Website

We have many years of experience translating web pages. Our team has excellent language engineers and localization specialists who collaborate closely with translators on web page translations. This is how we can guarantee a fast and smooth translation process.

Depending on the technical design of a website, it’s sometimes possible to work directly and translate in the content management system (CMS), thus avoiding exports and subsequent imports. With us, you will save valuable time and always receive first-class localization services. We offer web page translations into almost all languages.

It’s very simple to place a request for your website translation and localization.

We will gladly give you a free, no-obligation quote and answer your localization-related questions. Simply contact us by email or by using our quotation system.

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References and Clients

Some of our most well-known customers are listed here: