
High Quality Financial Translation Services

Since 2001, we have gained a wealth of experience in translating financial documents. Every day, we receive analytical reports that require immediate translation into English and other languages. We also translate annual reports on a daily basis.

We specialize in finding the perfect financial translator for the job who has expertise in the specific financial area you need and who is also a native speaker of your target language. In this way, we save time and money while providing you with a high quality and fast translation.

Affordable Financial Translation Services

In 2001, Fasttranslator introduced a dedicated translation service in which a group of qualified specialists works to translate everything from cash flow forecasts to sales reports. Situated in the heart of New York City, our headquarters is not only in a central hub for finance, but it is also a stone’s throw from Wall Street.
We understand that the language used in finance is incredibly precise, so a qualified translation agency is a must. Our financial subdivision has been especially designed to handle all of your financial documents in the most professional manner possible.

Our clients range from entrepreneurs to political figures and executives. We can take care of translating the paperwork for your new vacation home in Tibet, the annual report for your business office in Cairo, or the financial aid papers from your university. No matter what project you need translated, you can count on us.

Fasttranslator hires freelance native speakers to work on your order independently. This employment structure ensures two things – that your project gets the individual attention it deserves and that our prices can remain well below the industry average.

Each employee has been carefully screened and tested before being hired. All of our translators sign a non-disclosure agreement, so any confidential information is 100% safe with us. You can also have our offices modify the confidentiality agreement to meet specific conditions and incorporate stricter guidelines for disclosure on your project. We recognize that your financial content is highly sensitive and will treat it accordingly. You can rest assured that your information is in great hands.

Requesting a quote is easier than ever – just give us your name and email and send us the text you want translated. Click the “Instant Quote” button at the top of the page. Submit the form with your information and your document, and select ‘Financial, accounting, economics and investment’ as the required expertise. Within seconds you will receive a completely no-obligation quote for our translation services.

We translate financial documents:

  • Accounting information
  • Annual reports and proxy statements
  • Appraisal/valuation paperwork
  • Auditing documents
  • Auditor’s reports
  • Balance sheets
  • Bank statements
  • Business Plans
  • Cash flow statements
  • Collection letters
  • Commercial lending paperwork
  • Corporate finance documentation
  • Economic Reports
  • Financial articles
  • Financial records
  • Financial reporting guidelines
  • Fintech website content
  • Government tax reports
  • Income statements
  • Insurance related documents
  • Investment banking documentation
  • Loan documents
  • Mortgages and associated paperwork
  • Paperwork associated with financial transactions
  • Partnership agreements
  • Private and public offerings
  • Prospectuses
  • Real estate documentation
  • Sales brochures for banks and insurance companies
  • SEC-required reports
  • Shareholder information
  • Stock market information
  • Stock option agreements
  • Tax planning documents

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Professional translations of your income statements

When you need to translate an income statement into another language, accuracy and confidentiality are top priorities. The Internet offers many free translation apps, but these tools do not provide a high level of quality and are not capable of translating your entire income statement.

Especially for any document that will be used in business, you need a professional translator. Improperly translated texts will undermine your company’s brand, and errors can lead to drastic misunderstandings that interfere with your business. Deals can be lost, and the negative impression your company has left may never recover.

You have the choice from over 150 languages

Do you have a business partner in Asia, or would you like to show special appreciation to a French partner? Then, use our service with the choice of over 150 languages. We can process projects of supposed complexity with no problem, because exotic languages such as Punjabi and Urdu are even included in our selection. Here, you can see an overview of our languages. No matter what, you will receive the translation of your income statement in the correct language with absolute accuracy.

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Translations of Annual Reports

FastTranslator has a large number of translators of various languages with a broad background in finance. We can provide accurate and professional translations of annual company reports, quarterly statements, and audit reports. Because these documents are usually confidential, we will be happy to sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) before you send us the documents for translation. Just let us know.

Translation Project Management

The translation of annual reports and statements requires stringent management. An annual report is not a standalone document. It is related to annual reports from prior years. Therefore, it is helpful to our translators to receive previous translations of similar documents. After all, annual reports that you cannot compare to prior years provide insufficient insight into the financial performance of a company.

Not Just Financial Information

Larger companies are subject to stringent financial information disclosure requirements. Federal securities laws require publicly traded companies to disclose information on an ongoing basis and to file quarterly and annual financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission on forms 10-Q and 10-K respectively. Each publicly traded company is also required to publish on its website its 10-K Annual Report, which discloses the company’s annual financial performance.

To gain the trust of your shareholders, business partners, other stakeholders, and the public, you must publish a variety of reports on various aspects of business performance in addition to financial performance. These reports reflect, among other things, performance and accomplishments in the areas of product safety, quality and integrity, marketing and innovation, community support, workplace rights, and environmental protection.

Our Translations Meet the Standards

Our translators are familiar with US and European regulations on reporting. They have broad knowledge of US-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), IAS (International Accounting Standards), and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

GRI Translations (Global Reporting Initiative)

GRI is an international independent organization that helps businesses, governments, and other organizations understand and communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues, including but not limited to, climate change, human rights, and corruption. GRI provides the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting and disclosure standards that enable businesses, governments, and society as a whole to make better decisions based on information that matters. Today, 93% of the world’s largest 250 corporations issue reports on their sustainability performance.

Our translators are familiar with the terminology and standards that these organizations set so that your financial and sustainability reports are translated accurately.

Translations of IFRS – financial statements according to international law

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of regulations that companies can use to create their annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements. These standards give businesses the advantage of comparing their finances on an international level without having to convert the financial statements of the respective countries into one unified language.

Still, translations of these financial statements are often necessary. We have experience providing accurate and confidential translations of IFRS financial statements into over 150 languages. Our native-speaking translators are familiar with the subject, many with specific training in finance, and will translate the economic terminology into the desired target language with pinpoint precision. Contact us, and we will provide you with a no-obligation quote for your project.

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Comparing companies internationally

The IFRS were formed as it became more important for companies to maintain a way of internationally comparing their economic activity in an increasingly global world. Before then, all companies had to abide by their national laws when forming their financial statements. For example, Germany stayed within the framework of the German Commercial Code when creating balance sheets and income statements.

However, in order to compare themselves with international competitors, companies had to follow complicated procedures to convert foreign financial statements into their own form. In order to get rid of this process, the International Accounting Standards Board adopted the IFRS. All companies that formed their financial statements in accordance with the IFRS could now easily compare themselves with international competitors.

IFRS reporting standards are not for everyone

Upon adopting the IFRS, the European Parliament decided not to make these international guidelines obligatory for all companies, but to leave that decision up to the countries. Long story short, not all companies have to form financial statements in accordance with the IFRS. In Germany for example, the German Commercial Code remains mandatory, but companies can still opt to create additional statements in line with the IFRS. For corporations, the decision regarding IFRS obligation has to do with whether or not the corporation is publicly traded. Corporations oriented in the capital market are obligated to prepare a final statement in accordance with the IFRS, while other corporations may choose to do this.

Professional translations of presentations and newsletters

Does your company need a financial brochure, newsletter, or whole presentation in a different language? In order to get a high quality translation, your translator’s expertise must be up-to-date in the field of finance, including knowledge of the specific terminology. A layman with language and translation skills does not have the academic training for financial translations.

For the perfect translation of your financial presentations and newsletters, we have available translators from the financial sector who also translate only into their mother tongue.

Fast and high quality financial translations

If you need your text particularly fast, you can rely on our express service. You will receive your translation very quickly at a fair price, without sacrificing quality. Even without the express service, however, we’re known for fast service.

Our experienced project managers will be happy to provide you with a proposed delivery date for your project. Simply upload your document and our online system will provide a no-obligation quote instantly.

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References and Clients

Some of our most well-known customers are listed here: